Thyroid In Women: Adopt These 5 Daily Habits To Manage Hypothyroidism Naturally
8 months ago |

The butterfly gland in our body, the thyroid gland, is responsible for regulating metabolic activity. Malfunctioning of the thyroid gland may lead to hypothyroidism where there is overproduction of hormones. It can further cause unexplained weight loss, anxiety, muscular fatigue etc. It also affects women a little differently. Hypothyroidism has a lot to do with a woman’s reproductive system. From puberty till menopause, underactive or overactive thyroid glands can affect women at different stages of life. Thyroid can affect:

  • Early onset or irregular menstruation
  • Underactive or overactive glands may affect ovulation.
  • Increases development of cyst in ovaries
  • Thyroid during pregnancy can be risky for the fetus. One may experience extreme morning sickness, stillbirth, miscarriage, postpartum, hemorrhage etc.
  • May lead to the early onset of menopause.


  • Iodine Intake: For thyroid issues, proper iodine intake is important. It should should be taken in moderation. It helps in regulating the thyroid hormones in the body.
  • Active Lifestyle: This is a no-brainer. ensure to do regular exercise or 15-20 minutes of every day to maintain a healthy metabolism. A proper exercise routine can help to reduce thyroid symptoms as well.
  • Stress Management: Incorporate meditation, and deep breathing exercises to help bring a sense of calm and composure to the body.
  • Balanced Diet: A nutrient-rich diet is essential to build immunity. Include more of fibre, protein, vitamin -C foods to strengthen immunity and balance thyroid hormones effectively.
  • Proper Sleep Schedule: Aim for 7-9 hours of good quality sleep. This is the time when the body rests and recovers. Inadequate sleep quality can disrupt the thyroid functioning.

A sedentary lifestyle can cause an array of health problems. It can also add on to existing health issues as well. But, a little effort in the healthier direction can go a long way. Few of these habits may look basic, generic, but how much attention do we really to it?

Therefore, a little tweak in everyday habits can help us live with condition like thyroid with little more ease.