Say Goodbye To Belly Fat Drink Cinnamon Water For 14 Days And See The Results
3 months ago |

1. Add 1 tsp cinnamon to 2 tsp honey and 8 ounces of warm water to make a weight loss detox. (Image source: Pinterest/ Detoxinista)

2. Cinnamon can  improve body metabolism, targeting the fat deposited in the abdominal area.(Image source: Canva)

2. Cinnamon can improve body metabolism, targeting the fat deposited in the abdominal area.(Image source: Canva)

3. The anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties of cinnamon can provide additional help to those trying to lose weight by promoting an overall healthy body that'll process food better.  (Image source: Canva)

3. The anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties of cinnamon can provide additional help to those trying to lose weight by promoting an overall healthy body that’ll process food better. (Image source: Canva)

4. The advantages of drinking cinnamon tea before bed include supporting a weight loss journey  and ease the sore in muscles in obese. (Image source: Canva)

4. The advantages of drinking cinnamon tea before bed include supporting a weight loss journey and ease the sore in muscles in obese. (Image source: Canva)

5. Cinnamon improves blood circulation which further improves the appearance of skin. This helps to improve the blood flow also helps to  soften the  skin and improves skin elasticity. (Image source: Canva)

5. Cinnamon improves blood circulation which further improves the appearance of skin. This helps to improve the blood flow also helps to soften the skin and improves skin elasticity. (Image source: Canva)

Note : Children and adults, as well as for individuals who already have liver disease or gastroparesis should avoid cinnamon. Drinking a lot of cinnamon tea could lead to a higher risk of bleeding if one take blood thinners or if one  have a bleeding disorder. (Image source: Canva)

Note : Children and adults, as well as for individuals who already have liver disease or gastroparesis should avoid cinnamon. Drinking a lot of cinnamon tea could lead to a higher risk of bleeding if one take blood thinners or if one have a bleeding disorder. (Image source: Canva)

Inputs By: Dr Payel Kumar Roy, Chief Clinical Dietician & Critical Care Nutritionist (Image source: Canva)

Inputs By: Dr Payel Kumar Roy, Chief Clinical Dietician & Critical Care Nutritionist (Image source: Canva)

Published at : 06 Oct 2024 02:53 PM (IST)